Neck Pain Treatments

If you had an accident or have joint alignment issues, you may be living with chronic neck pain. Neck pain can make it hard to focus or move with a full range of motion. Dr. Richard Dobias is your local chiropractor in Palmerton, PA, who can relieve pain in this area by getting to its root cause.

What Causes Neck Pain?

You may be dealing with lingering neck pain due to an injury from a car accident. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries from collisions, especially from a rear impact. Symptoms including pain, numbness, and tingling don't always show up immediately after an accident. Therefore, one may assume everything is fine until days or weeks later. That stiffness in your neck may turn to numbness, pain, and decreased range of motion. In some cases, it can even radiate down to your arms. Some people also have headaches, nausea, and dizziness. 

Neck pain can also result from poor alignment in the upper cervical spine. When you see a professional chiropractor, such as Dr. Dobias in Palmerton, PA, he can use techniques from adjustments to laser therapy to help you.

How Can Dr. Dobias Help?

The first thing that happens during a consultation with your chiropractor is an examination of your neck area. He may need to take X-rays to assess the damage. He also needs to rule out other conditions. Once he gets to the source of your neck pain, whether it's related to spinal alignment or soft tissue damage, he can recommend the best treatment option. Massage therapy, cold laser therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation are effective for soft tissue damage in any part of the body, including the neck. 

Chiropractic massage can break up scar tissue that resulted from whiplash or another soft tissue injury. Cold laser therapy promotes healing by stimulating cell repair. Electrical muscle stimulation sends electrical currents to the muscles, which helps prevent spasms. 

During a traditional adjustment, your chiropractor will apply direct pressure to targeted areas of your spine to move them back into place. We also offer traction, in which the spine is stretched to create more space between vertebrae. Doing so can allow herniated discs to return to their usual position, which stops them from pressing against nearby nerves. Your chiropractor may use one or a combination of the above treatments to help relieve your neck issue.

Call the Dobias Chiropractic Office in Palmerton, PA, at 610-826-2810 for more information and a consultation.

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